how it works.

Track and Trace Authentication Process

Since mints can be digitally read, either individually or en masse, they are well-suited for auto-verification. Furthermore, their robustness allows them to be used in a multi-layer, closed loop security schema - from producer to distributor to retailer to consumer, and back to producer. This track and trace capability, down to the item level, is unparalleled.

How does it work?

Producers first tag each item with a mint – added directly into a product (physical product, tablets, fluids), or applied to a product’s surface or its packaging (embedded in inks, sprays, glues, epoxies). They then may choose to either 1) tag successive levels of packaging in the supply chain with mints, or 2) integrate the mint-based item-level tagging information with their existing package-level track and trace technologies. Regardless, as long as track and trace capabilities exist at each successive packaging and distribution level, full pedigree information is retained.

This is true not only for bundling up to the distributor level, but also as the item is distributed and re-bundled through various channels. Once at the retail level, item level authentication can occur via the retailer, end consumer or both.

With the final authentication by the end consumer, the last link in the system is “closed” and the full pedigree at the item level is verified and secured. Prior to mints, the task of end consumer authentication was either cumbersome, expensive or was easily compromised by counterfeiters.

Mints solve the core counterfeiting problems:
the low cost of copying and reliance on visual inspection

Both the difficulty in reverse-engineering and cost of production are prohibitive. Further, constant cycling of alternate codes (nearly infinite) with validation happening digitally between consumer and the producers secure database, renders counterfeiting nearly impossible.

Mints solve product recall problems:
the lack of item-level coding (full pedigree) and forensics

As for product recalls, if an item were compromised, either in production, handling or anywhere in the production-to-distribution channel, identification of affected lots or batches, their source, their distribution channel down to retail and end consumers would be instantaneous.

Inspectors would be able to identify and lock-down affected batches in real-time.

Learn more about “mints™” and their ability to track, trace and authenticate medicine, food products, consumer goods, industrial products or their newest applications.